
7 posts
02 April 2024 12 min to read
IN@Voice Convergent Billing System, Solution for Telecom Business Expansion

Daniil Fedotov, Product Manager at the Russian software developer Bercut, a technology partner to companies in digital transformation for over 28 years, spoke about the features and importance of the IN@Voice convergent billing system in creating operators’ competitive digital products and ecosystems.

21 March 2024
Better CX: Technological Approaches to Influence Customer Experience in the Next Few Years

Modern digital companies, regardless of the segment, face high competition in the market. This forces them to join the battle for customers’ focus in the information space, find new tools to influence potential customers, effectively interact with the existing customer base to establish long-term relationships with the consumers.

21 March 2024 13 min to read
Streamline: What Technologies Help Telecom Companies and Aggregators Quickly Launch MVNOs

Increasingly, representatives of various industries are contemplating the possibility of launching MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operators) under their own brand. Meanwhile, telecom companies are eager to lease their mobile networks to them. As such, telecom market leaders diversify their business, build up the subscriber base and collect more subscriber data that could be used for added monetization in the future.

11 March 2022 10 min to read
New functionality without bugs — a case of billing for a mobile operator

Hi, my name is Maxim Plavchenok, I’m in integration testing at Bercut. In September, my team achieved an important milestone: we got zero errors during integration testing of the billing system release for a mobile operator. It’s been a long way of two years, and today I will share how we managed to get there.

20 January 2022 3 min. to read
Building up a successful MVNO

Today, many business leaders consider launching their own MVNO to enhance the ecosystem of customer services. What challenges do those companies face and what tools should they use to successfully launch an MVNO?

27 December 2021
Technological trends 2021. The role and prospects of telecom operators

Every year, Gartner, a global research and advisory firm, predicts major trends in the IT market for the coming years.
Bercut closely monitors technology forecasts. The way that some of the trends have emerged in 2021, as announced at the Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo 2020 online conference, allows us to rethink the role and opportunities of telecom operators and service providers in the future.

27 October 2021 13 min to read
Why service providers limit downloads via torrents and how traffic management can solve communication problems

Why internet link is shared between users and what can be done to solve the network congestion problem.
