Zero Balance

The Zero Balance system allows the subscribers to use communication services when their mobile account is out of funds

  • voice interface for selecting a service available to the subscriber
  • the CSP receives information about the subscriber and available services from external data sources
  • partnering with external systems that provide services
  • informing the subscriber about the results of operations with services
  • informing the subscribers about the exhaustion of funds on the account

Business value


growth from the use of services with zero balance


growth stimulation (usage of unspent packages of minutes of other subscribers)


alternative at zero balance

How it works?

  1. The subscriber makes a call.
  2. If there is a shortage of funds on the subscriber's account, the call is transferred to the system.
  3. Zero Balance generates an individual IVR menu for the subscriber, containing pre-recorded voice navigation and information messages.
  4. At the time of an unsuccessful attempt to make a call, the system forms an individual IVR menu, providing the subscriber with a choice of services available in real time.
  • pledge payment / call time credit;
  • call at the expense of the called party;
  • sending a “call me back” message;
  • sending a “missed call” notification to the called party;

Having selected a service, the subscriber goes to the corresponding menu subsection.


IVR-menu has a hierarchical structure. The system forms the structure of the menu depending on whether certain services are available for the subscriber. Thus, the services available to the subscriber are at the top level.   

To form the structure of the IVR-menu, as well as to determine the availability and threshold of the service "Pledge payment", Zero Balance calculates the score of the subscriber based on the following indicators: 

  • The term of active subscription of the subscriber;  
  • The subscriber’s ARPU


Zero Balance stimulates revenue growth due to use of communication services when the subscriber has a shortage of funds on the mobile account.

Usage scenarios

Success stories
How Sber and Bercut created the most innovative MVNO
growth of revenue by 3.5 times
the Most Innovative MVNO at the MVNO Awards 2020
> 1 M subscribers
full MVNO
In September 2018, a new mobile virtual network operator was introduced to the Russian telecom market ― SberMobile by Sberbank. Two years later it was recognized as the Most Innovative MVNO at the MVNO Awards 2020. The operator was created by the largest Russian bank in close cooperation with Bercut, an international provider of solutions for CSPs.
27 December 2022
Bercut helps Tele2 create new products under other rules

Bercut remained in the shadow of Tele2 for a long time. The technological solutions delivered by the company to Tele2 have drastically changed the performance of that telecom giant. Making payments by a smartphone, retaining a mobile number after switch to another operator and selling unused traffic — all those services have been successfully implemented, also due to Bercut involvement as a BSS partner.

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